Comics Structure

Make sure you understand the folder requirements of Kavita

The “Comics” structure is the legacy parsing option that was used before the big comic overhaul and Comic Vine library type was introduced. If you have metadata in your files and you are having issues with series combining when you don’t want them to be, consider switching to the Comic Vine library type.

Kavita parses Comics just like it does Manga but uses additional keyword identifiers. If you are having trouble, you might want to look at the different cases we have in our code and what is supported. The following will give you a glimpse.

The same naming conventions work with Comics.

┖── Series Name
    ┠── Series Name v01.cbz
    ┠── Series Name v02.cbz
    ┖── Series Name v03 c01.cbz

The following will be parsed as “Chapters”, which may naturally group into a Volume entity if a volume is on the file itself.

FilenameParsed Series NameVolumeChapter
Invincible 070.5 - Invincible Returns 1 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr70.5
Batman & Wildcat (1 of 3)1
Amazing Man Comics chapter 2525
Superman v1 024 (09-10 1943)124
Y - The Last Man 1
Batgirl Vol.2000 #57 (December, 2004)57
Babe 011
Babe T1 0111

If you have multiple comics from different years, you can name them as “Fables 2004” and “Fables 1989” or better yet, use the Comic Vine library type. Anything within () will be stripped during parsing as there is usually junk in there. Use or embedded metadata.

Comics also have a list of special filename keywords that will mark them as specials. Some of these are:

  • Specials
  • Annual
  • Extra Chapter
  • Book
  • Compendium
  • OneShot
  • Extra
  • FCBD
  • TPB
  • Side Stories
  • Art Collection
  • Absolute
  • Preview
  • Omnibus
  • Bonus
  • Hors SĂ©rie
  • HS
  • THS

The “Format metadata field” for the ComicInfo metadata can also be used to mark the comic as a special.