Metadata Filtering

Kavita has a rich metadata interface that allows you to build complex filters to find exactly what you’re looking for. The system allows you to build a series of statements that AND or OR together with custom sorting and a limit feature for those that have large libraries.

These filters are dynamic and will update as you change the values. If you add new series with metadata that matches the filter, they will automatically be added to the results.


Filter Fields

FieldField TypeDescription
Age RatingSingle/Multi SelectAge Rating of Series
ArtistSingle/Multi SelectArtist of Series
Average RatingNumberKavita+ external rating, percent
CharactersSingle/Multi SelectCharacter in Series
Collection TagSingle/Multi SelectSeries that belongs in a Collection
ColoristSingle/Multi SelectColorist of Series
File PathStringThe full file path for any file within the Series (note: this is slower than other fields)
FormatSingle/Multi SelectSeries Format (epub, archive, etc)
GenresSingle/Multi SelectGenre in Series
ImprintSingle/Multi SelectPublisher Imprint
InkerSingle/Multi SelectInker of Series
LanguagesSingle/Multi SelectLanguage of Series
LettererSingle/Multi SelectLetterer of Series
LibrarySingle/Multi SelectLibrary within Kavita
LocationSingle/Multi SelectPhysical Location Series takes place in
PathStringThe file path to the highest level of the Series
PencillerSingle/Multi SelectPenciller of Series
People*Single/Multi SelectPerson of some Role that is on the Series
Publication StatusSingle/Multi SelectPublication Status of Series (ie Complete, Hiatus, etc)
PublisherSingle/Multi SelectPublisher of Series
Read ProgressNumberDecimal percentage of Series that is read by user
Read TimeNumberNumber of hours to read the Series
Reading DateDateLatest date the Series was read by the user
Release YearNumberThe Release year of the Series (minimum from all chapters)
Series NameStringThe Name of the Series
SummaryStringThe Summary of the Series
TagsSingle/Multi SelectTag in Series
TeamSingle/Multi SelectTeams that appear in Series
TranslatorsSingle/Multi SelectTranslator of Series
User RatingNumberUser Rating percentage of Series by user
Want To ReadBooleanIf Series is in the user’s Want To Read list
WritersSingle/Multi SelectWriter of Series
  • People refers to fields such as Translator, Editor, Inker, etc

Filter Combination

Filter CombinationApplies onDescription
EqualString/Number/Multi SelectEquals exactly
Not EqualString/Number/Multi SelectDoesn’t Equal
Begins WithStringStarts with string
Ends WithStringEnds with string
MatchesStringApplies a search-like match on the field
Is BeforeDateDate is before X
Is AfterDateDate is after X
Less ThanNumberLess than X
Less Than EqualNumberLess than or Equal to X
Greater ThanNumberGreater than X
Greater Than EqualNumberGreater than or Equal to X
ContainsMulti SelectThe Filter Field contains at least one entry of what is passed
Must ContainsMulti SelectThe Filter Field contains all of what is passed
Must Not ContainsMulti SelectThe Filter Field contains none of what is passed

Smart Filters

A Smart Filter is essentially a saved filter. The underlying filter can be loaded and changed and anything that is bound with the Smart Filter will automatically be reflected in the new filters. Once you have a Smart Filter created, check out Customization to learn about how you can utilize the filters.

To create a Smart Filter, just add a name in the Name field and hit Save. Smart Filter names must be unique per user. Smart Filters are user-bound.

